Thursday, September 27, 2012

My Enneagram Tritype: A Self-Typing Story, Part 5

I can't even describe to you how exhilarating it was to discover what my Archetype was (i.e., which three Enneatypes I had in my TritypeTM).  When I'd read the Archetype Descriptions thread on, I hadn't recognized myself in the description for the 459 Archetype (also known as the "triple withdrawn", since it's composed of all three Enneatypes that are characterized in part by a tendency to withdraw from others), because this type was said to be extremely quiet and shy, whereas I'm usually very inquisitive and friendly around other people, and often have a loud, energetic, enthusiastic voice and manner.  But I realized it was, again, my so/sx (social-first, sexual-second) instinctual stacking that was responsible for my warm, friendly, sociable, passionate and excitable tendencies -- for the fact that I love people and find them very interesting.  My "triple withdrawn" traits are visible in the fact that I prefer being alone most of the time, don't have a great deal of inclination to have people over to my house, and accept others' invitations rarely and with hesitation.  I guess being a social-first triple-withdrawn basically means that my natural preference is to love people and learn about them from a distance!  (Not all the time, though.  I definitely do relish being with other people in person sometimes!)

After realizing what my Archetype was, I could go back and read the description again, and see so many things in it that did describe me well.  One thing that struck me was when it said: "Your life mission is to delve deeply into the mysteries of life and share your insight with others. A true philosopher (also, contemplative), you are happiest when you can write about your discoveries and discuss them with others."  That is absolutely true for me!  I've never been able to relate to the confusion experienced by other kids and young adults as to what career they want to have.  Ever since I was a toddler, old enough to understand the question for the first time, I've always known that I wanted to write when I grew up.

It took a short time longer before I had my specific tritype worked out (i.e., the order of priority or prominence that the three fixes take within my personality).  A helpful comment on a post of mine at was the catalyst that ultimately helped me figure out that I'm a 9-4-5.

Now, the next step for me was to find out what wings I had on my second and third fixes!

To be continued...

'TritypeTM' is a trademark of Enneagram Explorations and can only be used with permission.

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